
Perfect Day

Perfect Day Wedding

Do’s and Don’ts For DIY Brides

Do’s and Don’ts For DIY Brides

Do It Yourself brides are on the rise, especially in this economy. Women still want the wedding of their dreams but are realizing that the price tag does not fit the budget. As a result, many of them are rolling up their sleeves, heading to Michaels and doing a lot of the leg work themselves. But before you reach for your hot glue gun, read my tips for diving into a DIY wedding:

DO remember your guest count. Before you take on a project think of how many people you are making them for. Details like programs, menus, favors increase as the guest count does. You can get away with making one per couple for the aforementioned but with a 200 person wedding comes 100 favors that need gluing, tying and assembling and after #57 you may want to throw those ribbon wrapped box of chocolates across the room.

DON’T forget it all adds up. When I was little there was a store in my neighborhood called “Cheap John’s.” I don’t know who John was but boy did he have cheap stuff. My mom and I would go pile things in our basket exclaiming “It’s only a dollar, get 2!” Wouldn’t you know that the total was almost always over $100? We tend to forget the grand total when we are lured with a great bargain. But keep a tab on your “cheap” buys and ask yourself if the sum of it all would make more of an impact on something like lighting or larger flower arrangements.

Do gather help. If you are going to take on one or more projects to make your day perfect then enlist the help of your bridesmaids. Just know there will be those who jump at the opportunity to let their inner Martha Stewart shine and others who would prefer root canal to tying little ribbons on tulle packets of rice. However, everyone can play a part and the best way to get them all together is to have fun with it. Get a few bottles of wine, order your favorite take out, play great music and have some laughs; not only will you get your project done faster but you will have some great memories that last forever!

Don’t take on more than you can chew. Placing a bunch of roses in a vase in one thing, making a 4 foot tall centerpiece is another. Know your limits and ask yourself if this project will make or break your wedding. Furthermore, make sure your expectations match your skill level. You pay of what you get and high price tags are usually attributed to the work and expertise that goes into it; keep that in mind when you are replicating a centerpiece you saw on Platinum Brides.

Do your homework. Magazines and the internet are great resources for Do it Yourself projects. YouTube is a wonderful tool for learning just about anything. Another great resource are the experts. Many wedding professionals are available for Q&A on wedding websites, blogs and even at showcases. Don’t be afraid to pick their brain, the worst they can say is that they are uncomfortable sharing insider tricks.

DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF Last but most importantly is to remember that a wedding last a day and a marriage lasts a lifetime. No matter how many projects you tackle or how much money you save a wedding is a celebration of love, family and friends.